Estimated local delivery time for twin cities (Islamabad & Rawalpindi) is 24 hours; if order is placed before 04:00 PM (PST) and local delivery is available to the address then order will be delivered the same day. Delivery time can vary in unfavorable conditions. The charges for local delivery are variable accordance to the distance but you will be informed before delivery.
Urgent delivery will only be processed on advance online payment and delivered by local delivery apps such as, Bykea, Careem and Indriver. The charges that will apply has to be paid at the time of delivery by the customer. Please, select the right option at checkout for delivery.
Delivery via TCS and M&P Couriers may take 1 – 3 working days as per courier service provided time. To remote areas, the delivery time may vary. Order placed before 4:00 PM (PST) will ship the same day otherwise it will ship on the next working day. Additional charges may apply on priority orders, arrive in 24 hours. Order placed late on Saturday will not be processed until Monday. Fixed delivery charges are applicable for orders weigh less then 1kg. The charges may vary with increase in weight and size of the package. Variable charges will apply to different zones.
Company will not held responsible for order being delivered late by courier. Kindly contact your courier in time to avoid inconvenience. For tracking number of your order, contact us.
Returned orders will only be reprocessed if the order amount is paid in advance.