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Arduino Based Security system by Electrobes Leave a comment

The 21st Century is an advanced era of technology. Where home automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and micro controllers has dominance. That’s why there should be a security check to secure your system from unwanted attacks.

Electrobes has designed a security system to encounter these. This system includes


When motion is detected by PIR 220v sensor, it triggers the signal to SIM800L module to transmit message and make a call to the owner of that premises. All the process is carrying out by ATmega328p which acts as a core of this system. The owner will also see the activity through surveillance cameras. He can disable and reboot the system through his cell phone. SIM800L will recognize the text to reboot the system automatically. The PIR 220v has variant options when and how long should it be on. 

This Security system has also feature to be ON/OFF through wireless Remote Switch.

PCB design:

Electrobes also designs PCB because of which rough wiring decreases and approximation increases.


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